Thursday, May 14, 2015

Immersion in Room 11

"Get your Inquiry books out" Miss Mules basically shouted at us. We were gonna study about bees. I already knew this was going to be boring 
Miss Mules started the video and I was daydreaming, I finally got back to reality when I got told off. I groaned and watched the video.

Finally the video finished and she gave us some flowers. I colored mine in, and it was so beautiful, it was a masterpiece. The bus bell rang and I quickly got up and packed up everything. 

I learned about how the bees are important to us and it was interesting. 

So you could say, this day was educational.

Immersion in Room 15

Yesterday 13/05/15 Room 11 had Immersion with Miss Spencer and it was Entertaining. Our Topic was Pests.... When I think of Pests, I think of Death... We learnt about Possums, Stoats, Rabbits and Rats...

We also had a game called Possum Picnic...
There were: Trees, Hunters, Possums and 2 small balls, We all knew that we had fun, As we finished off our game with a little more information about how the hunters get the Possums... but their easier way was to use Pest Traps... What are Pest Traps?

Finally we strolled back to the class room and went on the field to see what the pest traps were and how they worked... I was so nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen? The one thing I mostly learned about the traps were that you should never ever put your finger through the hole.
What a day!
P.S. It's Pests not pets.
Thank you Miss Spencer

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cross Country

It's that time again, when the Teacher blows that one HORN and you have to run... It's Cross Country, I felt so anxious having to run 4 whole laps without having to stop. It was finally our time to run and my stomach was full of butterflies. 

Beep! Miss Mules blew the Horn and off we ran with all our hearts. My 1st lap wasn't bad because I was coming 1st but then my sister boosted past me and came first. 

As I was coming up the hill, somebody called out my name "Heta!!" I stopped and looked, and it was Bernadette... What did I do? I kept going and I never gave up. 

On my Third lap I was exhausted as an old worn out shoe, but I sprinted for my last lap and I ended up coming 3rd.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Immersion in Room 14

Immersion in Room 14 with Miss Chaney was fun and we learnt about how plants grow...  I learned that when a plant germinates it needs  Soil, Sunshine, Shade and Water. Also when a plant has fully progressed it will be able to process fruit and vegetables.

It was fun experiencing and learning how plants germinate and grow. 

Thank you Miss Chaney.

Monday, April 20, 2015

WALT: Understand the importance of Anzac Day

I learnt that Anzac Day is a Special day for Everyone because the Anzac Soldiers fought for us and We will Remember them.

Monday, March 23, 2015


On a DARK Friday morning, I woke up and I was exhausted.. so I went back to sleep,(Zzz) My Mom came in Stomping saying "Get Up or else your not going," I got up and raced myself to the bathroom and did my things...

Next I had no idea what to wear for Polyfest so I wore my Grey training tights and a white top with the NIKE sign on it! We scrambled so early because we wanted to go in first... It was frigid when we were in the car, so my mother grabbed so many blankets that we couldn't even fit in the car.

After that horrible time, we slept for half hour in the car waiting for my sister to arrive at Polyfest, we had drinks and food in the bag, my stomach was empty, I was starving myself.

Later that day, this Samoan man was talking for ten years Mann! but until then my beautiful and amazing sister had her time to perform! her school was Kelston Girls College, their performance was AMAZING! I was crying and shouting.

Overall they came 3rd out of so many schools, they came 3rd because of me! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Softball Tournament!

There I was on the field waiting for that one bell to ring, we first played Blockhouse Bay Intermediate,"man they were hard," I said. I nervously waited for them to pitch, there it was, the time for me to shine. I finally bat.... BOOM! the ball went flying to Miss Vai's car (she told us to hit it to her car).

Next we competed against Bruce Mclaren Intermediate, I was standing in the middle of the field shaking and waiting to pitch, OK  I finally pitch the ball, I did pretty well for a good pitch. it was only our second game but I was already dripping.

Overall we Versed 5 intermediate schools and we won 3 games, lost against Henderson Intermediate and we had a tie with Bruce Mclaren.

Therefore I have learnt so much through this experience, we had amazing games versing all those Intermediate schools.